18 самых сексуальных мужчин в манге составляют персонажа аниме

  1. Kuroo Tetsurou (Haikyuu!!)
  2. Sanji (One Piece)
  3. Chrollo Lucifer (Hunter x Hunter)
  4. Симпатичные аниме-имена (унисекс)
  5. 145. Haru Kato (Fugou Keiji
  6. Данте («Дьявол Может Плакать»)
  8. Undertaker (Black Butler)
  9. Таичи Машима – Яркая Чихая (Chihayafuru)
  10. Имена в аниме с темным значением (имена для злодеев)
  11. Toga Yagari (Vampire Knight)
  12. Ryota Kise (Kuroko no Basket)
  13. Keigo Takami (Boku no Hero Academia)
  14. Joichiro Yukihira (Shokugeki no Soma)
  15. Megumi Fushiguro (Jujutsu Kaisen)
  16. Aomine Daiki (Kuroko no Basket)
  17. (Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo Dorei Majutsu)
  18. 112. Akira Fudo (Devilman Crybaby)
  19. 121. Eishi Tsukasa (Shokugeki no Soma)
  20. Кёя Сата- Волчица и черный принц
  21. Takafumi Yokozawa (Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi)
  22. 114. Tomoe (Kamisama Hajimemashita)
  23. Юги Муто из «Югио!»
  24. Han Daewi (The God of High School)
  25. 150. Albert “M” James Moriarty (Yuukoku no Moriarty)
  26. 124. Ryo Hoshino (Fugou Keiji
  27. Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!!)
  28. Тэцуя Куроко из «Баскетбол Куроко»
  29. 146. William James Moriarty (Yuukoku no Moriarty)
  30. 141. Akira Hayama (Shokugeki no Soma)
  31. Джузо Сузуя из «Токийский Гуль»
  32. Себастьян Михаэлис («Темный дворецкий»)
  33. Taiga Kagami (Kuroko no Basket)
  34. Zero Kiryu (Vampire Knight)
  35. Kei Mikhail Ignatov (Psycho-Pass)
  36. 152. Licht Bach, real name Sakai Rihito (Plunderer)
  37. Abarai Renji (Bleach)
  38. Изуми Миямура — Хори-сан и Миямура-кун
  39. Yagami Light (Death Note)
  40. Noiz (DRAMAtical Murders)
  41. Atsushi Murasakibara (Kuroko no Basket)
  42. Yato Noragami (Noragami)
  43. Юэ — Сакура — собирательница карт
  44. Victor Nikiforov (Yuri on Ice)
  45. Ко Мабути – Дорога Юности (Ao Haru Ride)
  46. Shinya Kogami (Psycho-Pass)
  48. Sousuke Yamazaki (Free!)
  49. Зен Висталия («Акагами-но Сираюкихимэ»)
  50. Нагиса Хадзуки из «Вольный стиль!»
  51. Мукуро Рокудо — Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
  52. Мужские имена в аниме
  53. Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop)
  54. 148. Courier (Akudama Drive)
  55. Uta (Tokyo Ghoul)
  56. Kyouya Sata (Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji)
  57. Soushi Miketsukami (Inu x Boku SS)
  58. 139. Shoto Todoroki (Boku no Hero Academia)
  59. Gintoki Sakata (Gintama)
  60. Seijuro Akashi (Kuroko no Basket)
  61. Muzan Kibutsuji (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
  62. Минато Намиказе («Наруто»)
  63. Шоё Хината из «Волейбол!»
  64. Рэн Дзингудзи – Поющий принц
  65. Irie Kazumichi (Psycho-Pass)
  66. Cadis Etrama Di Raizel “Rai” (Noblesse)
  67. Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen)
  68. Manjiro Sano (Tokyo Revengers)

Kuroo Tetsurou (Haikyuu!!)

Sanji (One Piece)

Sanji is a character from the “One Piece” anime and manga. He is a member of the “Straw Hats” pirate ship. He is also known as “Black Leg Sanji” and Sanji Vinsmoke. Sanji is a slim but muscular man. He has long legs, blonde hair, and unusual spiral eyebrows. His eyes usually seem black, but we can see his eyes being grey-blue in some scenes. Furthermore, he usually wears a suit. What is great about Sanji is the fact that he is a fantastic cook. The funny part about him is his craziness about girls. He falls in love with almost every one of them. But, some do fall back in love when they see his protectiveness and generosity. A deserved place on top 100+ hot anime guys list.

Chrollo Lucifer (Hunter x Hunter)

Chrollo Lucifer is a character in the anime “Hunter x Hunter”. He is tall and muscular, has black hair and grey eyes, which I find very attractive. His tattoos and earrings make him look even hotter. Even though some might find him evil he has some good personality traits. Chrollo is very intelligent, charismatic and fearless. He also has a calm personality and the personality of the leader. On the other hand, he is very manipulative and cold-blooded.

Симпатичные аниме-имена (унисекс)

Взгляните на эти универсальные аниме-имена для мальчиков и девочек:

  • Кей (Kei): благословение, драгоценный камень или квадратный драгоценный камень
  • Рин (Rin): достойный
  • Аканэ (Akane): ярко-красный
  • Макото (Makoto): правда или искренность
  • Хината (Hinata): подсолнечник
  • Синобу (Shinobu): выносливость
  • Хиро (Hiro): щедрый
  • Чихару (Chiharu): чистое небо и весна
  • Рен (Ren): любовь к лотосу
  • Сана (Sana): гениально
  • Aoi (Aoi): цветок падуба
  • Харука (Haruka): далекий
  • Акира (Akira): чистый, блестящий или яркий
  • Аоки (Aoki): вечнозеленое синее дерево

145. Haru Kato (Fugou Keiji

Haru Kato is one of the main characters of the anime “Fugou Keiji: Balance: Unlimited”. With his light brown-grey hair and golden eyes, he looks so unique that he definitely deserved a spot on our hot anime guys list. He works in a Detective Division but usually wears more casual clothes than other detectives. What I like the most about him is his personality. Haru Kato is a very passionate person, especially when it comes to his job. He also has a very high morals and is extremely brave when he wants to help and save others.

Данте («Дьявол Может Плакать»)

Данте – главный персонаж серии игр, аниме и манги «Дьявол Может Плакать». Он второй сын демона Спарды и его человеческой возлюбленной Евы. Данте обладает многими умениями и сталкивается с множеством врагов везде, где только это возможно. И хотя женщины не «вешаются на него пачками», можно сказать, что он достаточно красив и хорошо сложен.


10 Лучших романтических аниме всех времен10 Лучших аниме про любовь20 Лучших аниме для девочек10 Самых смешных аниме для девочек10 Лучших героинь из девичьих аниме20 Самых смешных аниме15 Самых красивых девушек из аниме15 Самых сильных аниме-персонажей

Undertaker (Black Butler)

Undertaker is a former Grimm Reaper in the “Black Butler” anime and manga series. Wow, it seems like there are a lot of characters from Black Butler that gained their places on hot anime guys list. Nevertheless, Undertaker is spicy and unique in his way. He has long gray hair with a single braid on the right side. Furthermore, he has, just like other Grimm reapers, glowing eyes. What makes his hot appearance muscular is his scar that goes across his face, neck, and left pinky finger. I also like his tall top hat. It’s unique and cool.

Таичи Машима – Яркая Чихая (Chihayafuru)

Тринадцатое место занимает умный, талантливый и, конечно, красивый президент клуба каруты Таичи Машима. Сначала я думала отдать это место Арате, но, серьезно, каждый полюбит внешность Таичи, его терпение, преданность и, самое главное, его несравненную любовь и заботу о Чихайе. Из всех аниме/манг, которые я видела и читала, я считаю, что он был, есть и будет лучшим мужским персонажем.

Имена в аниме с темным значением (имена для злодеев)

В некоторых японских культурах новорожденному ребенку давали уродливое, пугающее или злое имя, чтобы злые духи не украли его. Когда ребенок вырастет, имя будет изменено на подходящее, которое будет использоваться до конца его жизни. Некоторые из этих имен использовались в некоторых аниме для персонажей с плохими намерениями или играющих злую роль.

Вот некоторые из них для мужчин:

  • Аку (Aku): Зло
  • Ёкаи (Youkai): видение, дух, фантом
  • Акума (Akuma): Демон
  • Ями (Yami): Тьма
  • Акуи (Akui): Злоба, назло
  • Намида (Namida): Слеза
  • Чууко онера (Chuuko onera): Старый пердун
  • Занкоку (Zankoku): жестокость, жестокость
  • Сацуджин (Satsujin): убийство
  • Ши (Shi): Смерть
  • Никушими (Nikushimi): ненависть

Вот несколько женских имен в аниме для антагонистов:

Какое из этих аниме-названий вам показалось интересным? Добавляйте свои варианты. Дайте нам знать в разделе комментариев ниже.

Toga Yagari (Vampire Knight)

Toga Yagari is a character from the “Vampire Knight” anime and manga. He is a top-ranked vampire hunter and a qualified teacher. He has long black hair, which looks great with his appealing blue eyes. But, unfortunately, he lost his right eye and now wears a patch over it. On the same side of his face, he also has a scar. What I like most about Toga Yagari are the times when he is wearing a cowboy hat. Not to mention how cool he looks when he lights up a cigarette. Besides, that just helped him climb higher on this hot anime guys list! And the fact that he is very popular among girls.

Ryota Kise (Kuroko no Basket)

We already had one hot anime guy from “Kuroko no Basket” on this list. And here is another one! But not the last one. What can I say? I have a thing for hot and tall basketball players. This time, we are talking about Ryota Kise. In addition to being a great basketball player, he is also an excellent model. He has blonde hair and golden eyes. The majority of females attending basketball games are there to cheer for Kise. With his skills, he can appear as arrogant. But, he is a very cheerful, outgoing, and an overall kind person.

Keigo Takami (Boku no Hero Academia)

Keigo Takami, also known as Hawks is a character and a pro hero from the anime “Boku no Hero Academia”. He is a tall and slim man with blonde hair and golden eyes. What makes him special are his big red wings. Furthermore, his personality is also appealing and hot. Hawks is very intelligent, has a carefree attitude and is laid-back. But, he is always prepared if something goes wrong and is extremely hard-working.

Joichiro Yukihira (Shokugeki no Soma)

Joichiro Yukihira, also known as Joichiro Saiba (his previous name), is the character from the anime and manga series “Shokugeki no Soma. ” He is the father of the main character Soma Yukihira. And, just like Soma, Joichiro is a great cook! An even better one. And, hot one too! Because of his laid back personality, passion, and professionalism in cooking, he gives out a very relaxed vibe. Joichiro has brown hair with a hint of red. His hair is swept back, but when he is cooking, he ties it up. Eighter way, he looks outstanding! Deserved spot on hot anime guys list, don’t you agree?

Megumi Fushiguro (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Megumi Fushiguro is a character in the anime “Jujutsu Kaisen”. With his spiky black hair and dark blue eyes, I find him extremely attractive. Also, he is a tall young man, which adds up to his hotness. Even though I find him somewhat mysterious and secretive, the one thing I’m sure about is that he would do anything to save those he considers to be good people. On the other hand, he would do the opposite to those that are bad.

Aomine Daiki (Kuroko no Basket)

Personally, Aomine Daiki is my favorite basketball player from the “Kuroko no Basuke” anime and manga, and of course the hottest one. Just like Kagami, Aomine is the ace and power forward, just for the Too Academy. Because of that, and both of their determination and talent, Aomine and Kagami are sworn rivals on the field. He has brown, navy blue hair and dark blue eyes. Aomine is also very tall and muscular. Wonder he’s on top 100+ hot anime guys list! He used to be outgoing and friendly, but when he gained his basketball power, he became very lazy and started to slack off. His attitude later changes again.

(Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo Dorei Majutsu)

Takumi Sakamoto is an average Japanese guy, but in the game world, he is a real catch. His game appearance is handsome and hot, and that’s why I decided to put him on this hot anime guys list. Diablo has white hair, black eyes, birthmarks that look like tattoos and black horns like a devil. Not to mention that his body build is also great. In the game, he has a severe and sometimes frightening personality, while in reality, he is just a shy introvert. Sometimes his “real self” comes out in the game world. Mostly when it comes to awkward and erotic scenes with the girls. I find those “face-blushing” moments of his cute.

112. Akira Fudo (Devilman Crybaby)

Akira Fudo is the main character in the anime “Devilman Crybaby”. Although he was an average teenager, after becoming a devilman he truly became one of the hot anime guys. He became taller and now has a muscular and lean body. His hair is black and messy and he has black eyes with black circles around them which makes them really pop. We often connect devils with mean, angry and dangerous creatures. Nevertheless, Akira contained his sensitive and caring personality and still wants to protect humans from other demons.

121. Eishi Tsukasa (Shokugeki no Soma)

Eishi Tsukasa will receive the 81st place of my list of hot anime guys. I believe that Eishi is slightly hotter than Ishikk. However, that is still something that could be debated. Because of his cool personality, Eishi can win the heart of any girl. He is a subtle and mysterious type of person that anyone would be interested in. Along with his exciting personality, He also takes the first seat of Totsuki elite ten. His culinary skills are among the best in the Totsuki Academy. Eishi has a medium length white hair accompanied by his cold white eyes. The look Eishi gives can make any girl blush and fall in love with him. Although Eishi appears to be mysterious, he is often pessimistic. Therefore he always worries about small details and tries to make everything perfect.

Кёя Сата- Волчица и черный принц

Кёя является принцем школы из-за своей внешности, и все думали, что он джентльмен, но на самом деле он самый красивый придурок в этом списке. Он действительно вспыльчивый садист, которому нравится командовать Эрикой, что поначалу действительно довольно раздражало. Позже он успокоился и просто стал бесчувственным, но заботливым парнем цундэрэ. Ну, с этим мы сможем смириться.

Takafumi Yokozawa (Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi)

Takafumi Yokozawa is the main character in the “Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi” series, The Case of Takafumi Yokozawa light novel and the same-named anime adaptation. Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi is a box-love oriented series. Nevertheless, Takafumi is very popular among girl’s audience. He has jet black hair and gray eyes. He appears calm and always keeps his distance around people. Also, he often shows anger and can be quite jealous and stubborn. Furthermore, Takafumi is almost always serious. We can see him smile when he is with Masamune Takano. One of his great lovers. The other lover that makes him blush every time is Zen Kirishima.

114. Tomoe (Kamisama Hajimemashita)

Tomoe is a fox yokai (kitsune) from the “Kamisama Hajimemashita” anime. And I must admit, he is probably one of the hottest yokai’s I’ve ever seen! His appearance attracts many fans. His eyes are very foxlike and purple. Furthermore, Tomoe has silver and white hair. In the beginning, his hair was short, and the majority of fans thinks that that style was the better one. Nevertheless, I also find him attractive with long hair. What makes him a neverending hot anime character is the fact that he doesn’t age fast. Being over a hundred years old, Tomoe still looks like a teenager. But, he seems like he isn’t aware of his attractiveness at all.

Юги Муто из «Югио!»

Несмотря на то, что Юги выглядит как ребенок, он подросток, только немного ниже своих лет. В школе над ним часто издевались, и у него не было друзей. Так было до тех пор, пока он не разгадал загадку тысячелетия и не исполнил своё желание иметь друзей, о чем может просить только самый невинный и чистый ребенок на Земле.

После этого у него появляется несколько друзей, с которыми он отправляется в удивительное путешествие, играя в карты. Юги всегда весел и широко улыбается. Он не только «король игр», но и самый очаровательный карточный дуэлянт на свете.

Han Daewi (The God of High School)

Han Daewi is one of the main characters in the anime “The God of High School”. With his muscular build and fighting skills he truly is one of the hot anime guys. Han is a tall man with dark brown hair and light brown eyes. He is very calm and laid-back but at the same time he is a very determined and strong young man that goes to great lengths to protect and help his friends.

150. Albert “M” James Moriarty (Yuukoku no Moriarty)

Albert “M” James Moriarty is one of the main characters in the anime “Yuukoku no Moriarty”. He has a thin build, maybe even too thin for my taste. Nevertheless, with his cute brown hairstyle and dark emerald eyes, he definitely catches my eye. His grey suit perfectly suits him and makes his eyes pop even more. His personality is also attractive. Albert is considered to be one of the kindest nobleman’s. He is very loyal and helpful towards anyone in need.

124. Ryo Hoshino (Fugou Keiji

Ryo Hoshino is a character in the anime “Fugou Keiji: Balance: Unlimited”. Although not so popular, I still find him attractive. He has purple-brown hair and purple eyes. Ryo usually wears a suit, which is my weak point, and I must admit he looks amazing in it! He is also a member of Investigation Division and he takes his job very seriously, which talks a lot about his sense of responsibility and duty.

Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!!)

Our 17th hottest anime guy is a character from the „Durarara!!“ anime and manga, Shizuo Heiwajima. Everyone considers him to be the strongest man in Ikebukuro. Firstly, we can see him as a violent and dangerous guy. Shizuo has a short temper and incredible strength when he is angry. But, on the other hand, the truth is that Shizuo doesn’t like violence. He is just a bodyguard. And, he tends to be quiet a lot. Furthermore, he is kind, has a good sense of humor, and cares about those who are close to him. Shizuo is also quite hot. He is tall, has dyed blonde hair, and usually wears sunglasses and a bartender suit.

Тэцуя Куроко из «Баскетбол Куроко»

И место №1 в нашем списке занимает Куроко, обладающий хрупкой и миловидной внешностью. Он, безусловно, самый очаровательный игрок на корте, но при этом соперник, которого не стоит недооценивать.

Тэцуя Куроко – невысокого роста баскетболист, играющий за баскетбольную команду Сейрин. Известен как игрок-призрак, потому что никогда не находится в центре внимания. Вместо этого он заставляет блистать своих товарищей по команде. Он настолько мил и добродушен, что даже его стиль игры кажется милым.

Что ж, мы подошли к концу нашего списка про аниме с милыми персонажами, в которых 2д парни не просто симпатичны, они чертовски привлекательны. А если кроме внешности в них сочетается невинность, доброе сердце, игривость и детская непосредственность – то всё, звоните 911, сами мы не вывезем.

Надеюсь, вам понравился наш топ. Берегите сердечко и наслаждайтесь красотой. ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ

146. William James Moriarty (Yuukoku no Moriarty)

William James Moriarty is a main character in the anime “Yuukoku no Moriarty”. He is a very handsome and tall man with a beautiful smile. He has blonde hair and scarlet red eyes. I also like his style that somehow perfectly fits his appearance. William also has many personality traits. He is very intelligent, knowledgeable, elegant, charismatic, confident, and has manners. If you like reading books, talk about intelligent and important things and love spending time playing mind games, he is perfect for you! On the other hand, William tends to be strategic, calculating and secretive.

141. Akira Hayama (Shokugeki no Soma)

Akira Hayama deserves a place on this hot anime guys list. His tanned skin, white hair, and green eyes make him so handsome. Not to mention that he is also a tall man. And, us females fall for that every time, don’t we? He is also very calm and confident. Because of that, he appears very cool. Additionally, Akira is one of the best cooks there is! And it’s all because of his great sense of scent. A handsome man that also knows how to cook delicious food? Like a dream come true!

Check this out! Shokugeki no Soma – detailed anime review

Джузо Сузуя из «Токийский Гуль»

Джузо Сузуя – один из самых искусных следователей по делам гулей благодаря своему боевому мастерству. Он выглядит как ребенок, хотя ему 19 лет (при первом появлении).

У него красивое лицо, большие глаза и милая дружелюбная улыбка. Хотя на деле он кровожадный псих, которому доставляет огромное удовольствие пытки и расчленение врагов.

С первого взгляда на Сузуи не определить, мальчик он или девочка. Что в нем сразу бросается в глаза, так это его весёлое и инфантильное поведение, из-за которого поначалу все принимают его за милого и невинного персонажа.

Себастьян Михаэлис («Темный дворецкий»)

Себастьян Михаэлис – это демон-дворецкий дома Фантомхайв. Он заключил контракт и служит верой и правдой своему хозяину Сиэлю, до тех пор пока тот не отомстит убийцам своей семьи. У Себастьяна множество положительных качеств: от красивого голоса (особенно, если это голос актера Дж. Майкла Татума – актера, озвучившего его) до притягательной внешности. Очень немногие могут избежать его дьявольского взгляда. Что можно еще сказать: он просто адский дворецкий!

Taiga Kagami (Kuroko no Basket)

Have I already mentioned that I love basketball players? Of course, I did! And here is one of my favorite ones. Taiga Kagami! Not from Generation of Miracles, but a miracle indeed. His ambition is to become the best in Japan. Kagami is also very stubborn and determined. He has an undying and furious fighting spirit. On the other hand, he is very hot-headed and short-tempered. Kagami is the ace and power forward of Seirin High. He is one of the hot anime guys, and one close to the top. He is very tall and muscular. Furthermore, he has dark red and black hair with matching red eyes.

Zero Kiryu (Vampire Knight)

16th place on top 100+ hot anime guys list goes to Zero Kiryu. He is an ex-human vampire and vampire hunter in the „Vampire Knight“ anime and manga. Zero has silver hair, lavender eyes, and snowy-white skin. He is also quite tall. Furthermore, he has five silver earrings. Three on his left, and two on his right ear. Another cool thing is his tattoo, the Hunter’s Seal. The thing I also like about Zero is the way he wears his school uniform. He looks cool! Indeed, everyone considers him to be handsome in the anime and by the anime fans. Others also think that he is cold-hearted and hostile. But, he just built up barriers around himself and doesn’t let anyone in. Zero is, in fact, gentle, kind, and good-hearted.

Kei Mikhail Ignatov (Psycho-Pass)

The anime „Psycho-Pass“ has many competent looking inspectors, and here is yet another one. With his black hair and blue eyes, he definitively is one of those that I consider as hot anime guys. Not to mention that we can often see him wearing a suit, which is appealing. Ignatov is also a tall, strong, intelligent man with a keen sense of justice.

152. Licht Bach, real name Sakai Rihito (Plunderer)

Licht Bach, also known as Sakai Rihito, is a main character in the anime “Plunderer”. We could see him in two distinguished looks and I think they are both attractive. Before, he had a black hair with dark blue eyes. But, after he became one of the 7 Legendary Red Barons, his hair turned white and he now has crimson red eyes. Although he is obviously gorgeous, he usually hides his face with a mask. His personality also altered, which brought some good and somewhat bad changes.

Abarai Renji (Bleach)

Abarai Renji from the “Bleach” anime is also one cool character. He has long crimson hair that he usually ties up in a high ponytail. He also puts some headband or sunglasses on his forehead. Furthermore, Renji is a very determined fighter. Because of that, he is very dangerous for anyone who comes in his way. What makes Abarai Renji one of the hottest anime guys there is are the tattoos that cover his upper-body.

Лайт Ягами – это один из персонажей широко известного аниме/манги «Тетрадь смерти». Лайт не только внешне привлекательный, но также смышленый, хитрый и изворотливый. Он хорошо знает свои плюсы и во всех сериях использует их для победы над своими врагами. Благодаря своим талантам Лайт может создать новый мир и править им как Бог.

Изуми Миямура — Хори-сан и Миямура-кун

Миямура Изуми — один из главных персонажей манги «Хори-сан и Миямура-кун» или Horimiya. Он довольно привлекателен (Хори даже отмечает, какие у него длинные ресницы), но не заметен для многих людей, так как в школе он держится в тени, привыкший быть один (и для того, чтобы скрыть свой пирсинг и сильно татуированное тело). Однако, когда он одевается не в школьную форму, не только Хори очарована его внешностью.

Yagami Light (Death Note)

Yagami Light from the “Death Note”! Death Note is an anime that almost every anime fan has watched. In fact, for most of the new generation anime lovers, Death Note was the first anime they watched. Because of that, Yagami is one of the first hot anime guys many girls got to know. With his intelligence, talent, and hard-working spirit, many find him extremely attractive. Furthermore, he has a high sense of justice and wants to make the world a better place to live in. But, unfortunately, the power of Notebook changed him and made him obsessive.

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Noiz (DRAMAtical Murders)

Noiz is a hot anime character with a pretty lousy childhood. Pretty handsome, young man, born as a Wilhelm in a prosperous German family, everything was not good. His parents locked him up in one room. Because of that, Noiz was apart from everyone. They did that for a simple reason. Noiz was acting violently towards others. But, they haven’t considered why he is acting like that. When, in fact, Noiz has a lack of sense of feeling. Thus, he doesn’t understand what pain is, or how does it feel like. He was surprised when other children reacted badly. Later, he becomes a very skilled hacker and skilled with electronics and gathering information. And, with his blonde hair, beautiful green eyes, and hot piercings, he is one of the hottest anime guys.

Atsushi Murasakibara (Kuroko no Basket)

Here is one of my favorites types of guys there is! Basketball players! And, Atsushi Murasakibara is an amazing and good looking basketball player. I just had to put him on the list of top 100+ hot anime guys. Murasakibara is a character from the “Kuroko no Basket” anime and manga. He belongs to a generation of miracles. That’s how good he is! He is very tall, has long purple hair, matching purple eyes and a hot muscular body. I like him even more, when he ties his hair in the middle of a tense basketball game. Although Murasakibara appears serious, he is quite childish and likes to fool around.

Check this out! Top 10 Best Basketball Anime

Yato Noragami (Noragami)

Bronze medal on this list of hot anime guys goes to Yato Noragami. There is a significant number of girls and fans that find Yato extremely attractive and sexy. And, I must say, I agree with them. Yato is one of the main characters in the “Noragami” anime and manga. He has dark blue hair (in the manga, it is purple) and beautiful sharp blue eyes. He is also quite tall. His dream is to become a famous god. He had and has many labels such as God of War, Calamity, Depression, Fortune, etc. Yato can be very serious and mysterious. He can also be quite cruel and merciless. Furthermore, he is a greedy person that spends his money on gambling and drinking. Later in the story, his attitude changes a bit due to Sakura’s influence.

Юэ — Сакура — собирательница карт

Теперь мы дошли до четвертого самого красивого парня из аниме/манги, и это место переходит к Юэ. Юэ-хранитель карт Клоу, а позже и Сакуры Киномото. Он прекрасен, как Луна (Юэ переводится как «Луна» с китайского языка), с его длинными серебристыми волосами, свободно завязанными в конский хвост. Он холоден и серьезен снаружи, но является ответственным и заботливым опекуном для Сакуры.

Victor Nikiforov (Yuri on Ice)

Victor Nikiforov is one of the main characters in the anime “Yuri on Ice. ” He has some excellent skills when it comes to figure-skating on ice. Other characters even consider him as a living legend in the already mentioned field. He is also a coach and choreographer of figure skating and has won numerous awards. From European and World Championships to Grand Prix Finals. Besides this, Victor is a handsome and hot anime guy. He has white-gray hair and green-blue eyes. Furthermore, being a celebrity, Victor shows us his flirtatious side. He is also very self-aware and cares about his appearance.

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Ко Мабути – Дорога Юности (Ao Haru Ride)

Следующий красавчик- главный герой Дороги Юности, Мабути Ко. Сначала он был нежным и милым парнем из средней школы, но после его внезапного исчезновения он стал холодным, грубым и саркастичным, но, давайте признаем, более мужественным. Конечно, его отношение к Футабе, когда они снова встретились уже как старшеклассники, изменилось тоже, но не в лучшую сторону. Я думаю, что это также можно считать это одной из его очаровательных особенностей — заботливый, красивый цундэрэ всегда получает что захочет!

Shinya Kogami (Psycho-Pass)

Here we are. The first place, the gold one in this massive list of hot anime guys. It is Shinya Kogami! Although I know most of you would put our second place character Gojo Satoru in the first place I had to stay true to myself. Shinya Kogami is a golden man, in my opinion. Such an appearance, such an attitude, such a man! Truly my choice and my type! Shinya is the main character in the anime and manga “Psycho-Pass” season one. He is a very skilled detective, a former Inspector, and an Enforcer of the Public Safety Bureau’s Division 1. He is cool-headed, has sharp instincts, is very serious while working on the case while still having a sense of humor. Kogami is tall, muscular, and has short messy black hair. Some say he has dark blue eyes, while he has a gray color of eyes. But it doesn’t matter. He is hot either way. Also, Kagami usually wears a black suit and a tie that looks great on him!


Even though I tried to take into a consideration average preference on top hot anime guys, I was still somewhat subjective while making this list. Because of that, this list is the product of my personal taste, opinion and preference. Furthermore, some characters might slip from my mind since I watched some anime series/movies a long time ago or they are new and I haven’t yet put myself into the adventure of watching them. That’s where your comments and interactions count! We appreciate your opinions, discussions and reminders! You never know, next time you stumble upon this list your favorite and hottest anime guy might be on it, if it’s already not!

Sousuke Yamazaki (Free!)

Another hot anime guy from the anime series “Free!”. His name is Sousuke Yamazaki, and he appears in the second season of the anime. Like any other swimmer, Sousuke is also one very muscular and tall anime guy. He has short dark brown hair and beautiful teal eyes. Although he is a very kind person, he doesn’t appear that way. He is usually earnest, reserved, and stoic. Sousuke is also very harsh when it comes to swimming. Not just towards others but also himself. Because of that, he can sometimes be intimidating.

Зен Висталия («Акагами-но Сираюкихимэ»)

Зен – главный мужской персонаж аниме и второй принц королевства Кларинс. Он авантюрный и добрый человек, но ему трудно доверять из-за высокого положения в обществе. Однако, все меняется, когда он встречает талантливую Шираюки. Надо сказать, что Зен имеет жизненный опыт, а также привлекательную внешность.

Нагиса Хадзуки из «Вольный стиль!»

Нагиса – милый и обаятельный ученик старшей школы, который больше всего на свете любит плавать со своими друзьями. Он шутит и играет напропалую. Младшенький, о котором заботятся остальные члены его команды.

Однако Нагиса не дурак. Он умен и прекрасно знает о своей привлекательности, которую использует, чтобы получить желаемое. Слишком трудно сказать ему «нет».

Мукуро Рокудо — Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

На третье место претендует один из самых крутых парней этого списка- Мукуро Рокудо. Его действительно можно посчитать опасным, но как Страж Тумана он совершенно уникален и незаменим с точки зрения власти, силы и, конечно же, привлекательности. Он отличается от всех остальных хранителей своим темным прошлым, но для нас именно это и делает его уникальным и привлекательным!

Мужские имена в аниме

Ниже приведены некоторые фантастические мужские имена в аниме:

  • Масаши (Masashi): командир или генерал
  • Мичи (Michi): праведный путь
  • Нацу (Natsu): родился летом
  • Катсу (Katsu): победоносный
  • Нобуру (Noburu): расширять
  • Нори (Nori): вера
  • Осаму (Osamu): дисциплина или учеба
  • Райден (Raiden): гром и молния
  • Мичиаки (Michiaki): путь, дорога или переулок
  • Ясу (Yasu): спокойствие
  • Мичио (Michio): человек с силой в три тысячи
  • Тацуя (Tatsuya): достижение
  • Микио (Mikio): дерево
  • Тоширо (Toshiro): талантливый или умный

Если вы смотрите аниме, у вас должен быть любимый персонаж мужского пола, и, возможно, он вам настолько нравится, что вы захотите назвать своего ребенка в его честь. Ниже приведены некоторые из самых крутых имен мужских персонажей аниме:

  • Данте (Dante): относится к убийце-получеловеку, и это означает стойкость.
  • Леви (Levi): мощный
  • Цубаса Оотори (Tsubasa Ootori): загадочная и величественная
  • Яхико (Yahiko): уникальный
  • Юичи (Yuichi): добрый
  • Юки (Yuuki): нежная надежда
  • Тору (Toru): стойкий или ясный
  • Ранмару (Ranmaru): загадочный
  • Рукия (Rukia): связана с любимым японским богом смерти.
  • Кира (Kira): герой или антигерой

Ниже перечислены некоторые из лучших и самых уникальных имен аниме-мальчиков, которые можно использовать для своего героя:

  • Арата (Arata): новое и свежее
  • Дай (Dai): большой и большой
  • Daiki (Daiki): отличная помощь
  • Фумио (Fumio): ученый герой
  • Харуо (Haruo): человек весны
  • Хидеаки (Hideaki): отличный, яркий и сияющий

Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop)

Spike Spiegel is one anime character who certainly differs from other hot anime guys on this list. He doesn’t have a classic hot-looking appearance. Spike has that “something” that we ladies like. He is the main protagonist in the “Cowboy Bebop” anime and manga. Spike is a bounty hunter. Or, in other words, a cowboy. He is a very tall, handsome anime man. He has fluffy black hair with a green shade and brown eyes. His eyes are brown, but his right eye is lighter and allegedly cybernetic. Spike is a sluggish, lukewarm, indifferent, and lazy. He also possesses Jeet Kun Do skills. What makes spike so hot is his style. Classy suit and a cigarette in his mouth that gives out such a relaxed vibe.

148. Courier (Akudama Drive)

Courier is one of the main characters in the anime “Akudama Drive”. With his tall build, purple eyes and purple hair, he truly is one of the hot anime guys. Courier likes to be alone and is quite mysterious. He is usually very quiet, but he always says things that need to be said. Furthermore, he has big confidence when it comes to work and is a big workaholic.

Uta (Tokyo Ghoul)

Uta is a hot ghoul from the “Tokyo Ghoul” anime and manga. With his goth style, he is quite intriguing. Uta has black hair with an undercut and tattoos that cover some parts of his body. He also has few piercings. Also, Uta is a true artist. But, he mostly creates masks for other ghouls. Although Uta has a sadistic and hedonistic side, he also has a kind side. Sometimes, he cares about others and almost always acts friendly. And, he likes to tease people in his unique way. Which I find cute and amusing.

Kyouya Sata (Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji)

Kyouya Sata from the “Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji” anime series is one of the hottest anime guys. He is so hot that the students of the school consider him a prince. Kyouya has messy blonde hair and red eyes. He is also very fashionable, and we could say that he looks like a model. Many girls like him. But Kyouya already has his eyes on one fellow anime girl, Erika Shinohara. Because of her, he often expresses jealousy. Furthermore, Kyouya acts politely towards everyone. But, it’s just a mask to hide his true sadistic nature.

Soushi Miketsukami (Inu x Boku SS)

Soushi Miketsukami is the main hero of the “Inu x Boku SS” anime and manga. And I must say he is hot! As well as unique. He is a mighty nine-tailed spirit fox. Another thing that is interesting about him is the fact that he died and reincarnated. But, he doesn’t remember his previous life. Soushi is very tall and handsome. He has white hair and two colors of eyes. His left eye is gold, and his right one is blue. When he turns into his other form, he gets nine tails and fox ears. Before, Soushi didn’t have feelings. But, after meeting Ririchiyo, he gained feelings and became calm, polite, kind, sweet, and caring. Besides, he has shown that he also has a perverted side.

139. Shoto Todoroki (Boku no Hero Academia)

Shoto Todoroki is another character that has an incredibly unique look. He has short two-colored read hear. In other words, his right side is white, and his left side is red. Furthermore, besides his hair, Shoto’s eyes also have different colors. His left eye is bluish, while his right is gray. Also, what makes him so unique is a scar around his left eye. And we all know scars can be hot. Not to mention that he has a great body figure. It’s no wonder girls find him so attractive. Some even say that he is the hottest guy in his class.

Check this out! Top 13 anime similar to Boku no Hero Academia

Gintoki Sakata (Gintama)

Sakata Gintoki is the main character in the “Gintama” anime and manga. He is a very skilled samurai and is also known as Shiroyasha (meaning white demon). Gintama has natural wavy and messy hair, which can sometimes be annoying. But, I find it extremely cute. His hair is silvery-blue. In anime, he has Bordeaux-colored eyes. On the other hand, in the manga, he has gray/green eyes. Furthermore, he has a very muscular body. Seeing all that, he is one hot anime guy. When it comes to his personality, Gintoki is very lazy and is quite fond of gambling.

Seijuro Akashi (Kuroko no Basket)

Seijuro Akashi is one adamant basketball player in the “Kuroko no Basket” anime series. He is considered to be a basketball prodigy and was the leader of the “Generation of Miracles” team. He is a really tough opponent, even for other basketball prodigies. What surprises the most is the fact that Akashi isn’t tall. He is the shortest one in the Generation of Miracles, but still one of the most influential basketball players. He has spiky red-maroon hair and same colored eyes with vertical pupils. Akashi is also very intelligent and has some quite impressive skills.

Check this out! Kuroko no Basket detailed Anime Review

Muzan Kibutsuji (Kimetsu no Yaiba)

Muzan Kibutsuji is the main villain in the anime „Demon Slayer. “ Even though his personality sucks, he is scorching hot. That’s why he is on this list od top, 100+ hot anime guys. I love the style he wears. His hats and suits make him look like a real gentleman. He is mostly known with his black hair and his red demon eyes. But, the best part is, he can change forms. He can be any hot guy that you want!

Минато Намиказе («Наруто»)

Минато был Четвертым Хокаге деревни Скрытого Листа, отцом Наруто и мужем Кушины. Минато приобрел большую известность, как «Желтая молния» за свою умопомрачительную скорость, кроме этого заслуживают внимания его опыт и сила убеждения. Несмотря на то, что привлекательная внешность не является сильной стороной ниндзя, Минато, без сомнения, обладал ей.

Шоё Хината из «Волейбол!»

Можно сказать, что Хината настолько ребячлив, что похож на ребенка, запертого в теле подростка, но, опять же, внешне он выглядит как молодой парень. Он обожает играть в волейбол, прыгать и тренироваться со своими друзьями.

Несмотря на то, что для волейболиста он довольно невысокого роста, его прыгучесть такова, что на площадке он может обойти самых высоких игроков.

Хината – идеальный пример симпатичного парня. По-мальчишески глуповат и игрив, с вечной улыбкой на лице, самый добрый товарищ в команде.

Рэн Дзингудзи – Поющий принц

Мы должны поблагодарить Бога аниме за создание замечательного персонажа в лице Дзингуджи Рэна. Он — воплощение мужественности, сексуальности и совершенства, и более чем достоин занять 6-е место в этом списке. Рэн общителен и беззаботен, иногда горд, но снова много флиртует. Впрочем, кого это волнует, ведь само его существование уже является благословением для всех нас!

Irie Kazumichi (Psycho-Pass)

Irie Kazumichi is a character in 3rd season of the anime „Psycho-Pass. “ He is one of those persons that have to appeal to a bad-boy. And thus, he is considered as one of the hot anime guys. He likes to joke around and have fun, but he is a nice guy. Irie is also handsome and manly. He has short side-shaved brown hair, brown eyes, and wears a goatee.

Cadis Etrama Di Raizel “Rai” (Noblesse)

Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, also known as Rai, is a protagonist and a special Noble in the anime “Noblesse”. He is considered as very handsome and elegant man and I must agree with that. Raizel has black hair, scarlet red eyes and an earring in his left ear. Because of his unemotional manors and his high self-respect with a great sense of duty, he sometimes seems cold. But, he has a kind and compassionate side to his personality.

Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Silver medal goes to one of the most popular character of today and that is Satoru Gojo. He is one of the main characters in the anime “Jujutsu Kaisen”. His hot looks made girls (and boys) go crazy, including myself. He is a tall man, has white hair, and his piercing blue eyes would make anyone fall in love with him. Unfortunately, he usually covers his eyes because of the great power they hold. Gojo is a special grade jujutsu sorcerer and a teacher. Sometimes he can come across as arrogant due to his confidence. But, who wouldn’t be confident with that appearance and those skills? He can also be playful but is extremely cruel towards those he consider his enemies.

Manjiro Sano (Tokyo Revengers)

Manjiro Sano, also known as Mikey, is one of the crucial characters in the anime “Tokyo Revengers”. He is one of the newest hot anime guys and he is quite popular. Mikey has long blonde hair and pitch black eyes. Although he is a teenager, he is very strong and accomplished man as a founding member and the leader of Tokyo Manji Gang. Mikey is a good fighter and martial artist with great strength in his legs and kicks. Furthermore, he has high endurance, good intuition and mechanical knowledge. Nevertheless, we can feel his youthfulness trough his charisma, joking around and the way he just loves to play pranks.

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